Unfortunately, time only warps forward since the 1960s.

General’s body remains deceased, but not his spirit. 

General poses: “Why’s my cinema on Level 3?”

Nordstrom shoppers can’t hear but General poses:

“Where’s my statue -- non-existent?” 

In the middle of the lower deck,

The information/help desk blocks General’s marching path. 

General poses: “Why’s this information in plain view? Is it

All based on the chance of a lost child?”  He orders removal. 

Instead of going to Australia (Helzberg Diamonds), he waits

In Bataan (Gymboree) before he decides it’s taking too long. 

He walks around the desk, lights his pipe, shakes his cane

He holds but rarely bears down on, out of respect for those

Without the use of legs, or without legs.  “May I help you?”

A two-timing clerk solicits the finer of the two Pixie

Treasure Celtic Shoppe part-time gals,

Though General thinks he’s soliciting

The General -- since this is HIS mall. 

His sarcophagus is a city block away.

That argument takes an hour to sort out. 

General never considers the possibility

Nobody knows he’s there.  General thinks

Everybody’s ignoring him because

Generals are famous & the public is shy.