
a runaway crest divorces
swell to elope with sky
foam giggles sea weed
sticks the pole vault between
bodies be-speckled on
searing sand hot plates
stakes of human flesh
served very well done
waves stumble across
rocks like drunk
teenagers crashing a party
seagulls play hide and
seek with frivolous fins
the usual spectacle
of human behaviour colourless
against oceanic theatrics
ravenous tides feast on shoreline
at the meeting of water and air
waves bow over over again
in prayer




earth takes a knee
a cliff forms
people dribble into congregations
to witness sculptures
standing eye to eye with ocean
her white rage crescendos to a sometimes
locked horn dual with surfers
like the times my mother crash landed
her storms on my back
dissipating into calm waters
after the climax
over there rocks are seducing children
swishing hopeless round their mossed tongues
a humorous belittling 
we believe next time will be different
my father
here to see  mummified manifestations
somewhat epitaphs to everything
but I am agape struck like an evangelical
baptised in spirit yet an endless stillness
memories purged into wind
this weightless giant