When I arrived

They checked me



for contraband

making sure

I was following the rules.


I wondered if

what I had with me might

show up and

set off some alarm, but


X-rays &

metal detectors

could not expose the apprehension

I had strapped

to my insides


nor the enthusiasm

brought from home

that I wasn’t sure would be



Later, when I returned

through those nine

Heavy doors


They scanned me again

Cleared me for passage

and let us through


Once again the machines

failed to detect

what I was taking with me

to the outside world.


Fingerprints and retinal scans


like science fiction

But they couldn’t see


The thoughts darting frantically

behind my gaze


My newfound understanding

of the paths some people take


or my gratitude for the friendships formed

With those unlikely gentlemen.


Sitting here now I think

of them, wondering

what they’ll bring with them

on the day they leave

And what they will leave behind