As sleek as the softest silk,
Fine gold rose petals envelope memories.
The swirls of rainbow lollipops,
The ticking of a circular frame,
Twisted sharp thorns outline the brim,
As golden as the shiny gleaming sun.
As soft as the sleekest silk,
Brilliant gold rose petals envelope memories.
An adorning intricate flower pattern,
As ancient as manuscripts of Egypt,
Like a dove my heart soars,
For the memories repeat like yesterday.
As shiny as the softest silk,
Marvellous gold rose petals envelope memories.
The twinkling of golden chains,
Prickly thorns sharp as knives,
Golden lockets as fragile as shattered glass,
An embroidered handle you must stroke with care.
As silky as the sleekest silk,
Fine gold rose petals envelope memories.