It is as rough as a pinecone, as light as a feather.
As white as a cauliflower, and as bright as the sun.

I put it by my ear, and hear the crashing waves at the dock.
It smells like the salty sea and breezy trees.

I run my hand over it, it feels just like sandpaper.
It has a body of carbonite, so light and so strong.

With a fragile tail, it looks like a pufferfish.
With its rough, spiky horns, and spots of brown.

It is like a pet to me, with its loving look and roundness.
With a spiraly hole curving deep down.
The pink blends in with its smooth, glossy inside.
With a frail, tissue-like surface, it looks amazing close-up.

Breathe in...
and breathe out...

with this shell in your hand.
It will bring happiness to everyone, my own very precious shell.