by Siale K.

*Denying, but in line and marching for yet
better days hopefully soon shall arise
*faith in yet what I not know nor have yet
not seen yet here I stand with faith at
heart – tears yet hidden from all I stand
with faith and all to bear all shall not see
shaded pain within so to god I scream
               hear me, see me, take me
I am yours
Shouldn’t pain yet without pain there’s no gain
Standing and waiting for muster they called …
Suit up because here it comes for
another day to soldier on, even tho jail isn’t jail anymore
Yet we are surrounded by the heavy steel fences
and in the same colour green even though I may have thought
we was in same or somewhat a same
It’s a sham that we are being drop at
The hand of a green hat
That leaves me dismayed we are not the same
Oh fuck – what a sham!
the busted ass bitches have no game or aim
they aren’t  soldiers no more
*Gates needed to be walked through,
Keys that thumble, tinker and tunk
On the side of the officer who carries them
Bound to their waist – black long leather
“Shit no taste”
Girls laughing
Girls talking- an- chatting
Girls playing cards, and maybe other games
Sometimes against others that ain’t so nice
Some lean, some mean, and others just keen or had already been
Some maybe mean not in the way you’d expect