You have a golden picture that can twirl around like a ballerina
You take me whirling into the memory
Of sailing down a glowing streams at the dead of midnight

In Venice I had my first glance at you
You glared back wondering if I was the one
Waiting and hoping silently to be taken into my palms were I would take you home to the country where I belong

you traveled far and wide across the Mediterranean Sea
Jiggling around in my suitcase with my other souvenir keys
Like a crowd at a concert you were noisily yahooing with your mates

Then finally after a never ending journey tired and jet lagged I placed you on my wooden yet smooth shelf where you stood there proud like a king owning the country where you once lived

Now when I stare at you
you’re my place to escape reality and go to the past like a time machine where in the memory you transport me holding the family times on your steel shoulders

When I hold you again and again
I realise that you're made of my love for the city which I can see through your silvery skin and that you’re worth way more than what I paid for you back then, because you hold that thought of the floating city and the blazing sun

You are the key to Venice where I unlock the country and the thought of where I once was strolling beside the channel
